不過剛好最近家裡的舊的[美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 壽終正寢!!!!~~~~~淚奔......
寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!
所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有[美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 推薦評比或價格比較!!

Charging your Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad will be as simple as sliding your device in the Magic Bar.
Work with Apple Bluetooth Keyboard (2xAA Battery Model) and Apple Magic Trackpad
限時產品 A greener way to use your Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad
The Magic Bar is cost effective after one year of home usage & six months of office usage
Plug the base station to any USB port in order to allow the recharge, no external power supply needed
Made of Aluminum and recyclable
The Magic Bar from Mobee Technology is the world's first inductive charger for the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard & Magic Trackpad. A Magical solution to recharge your input devices that takes only 1 minute to setup !
The Magic Bar from Mobee Technology is the world's first inductive charger for the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad. It's a magical solution to recharge your input devices that takes only a minute to setup.
Mobee Magic Bar
Simple Wireless Charging for Your Keyboard and Magic Trackpad
Stop trashing batteries, and stop disassembling your devices to change your batteries. Let the Magic Bar manage everything and help protect the environment. Charging your Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad will be as simple as sliding your device in the Magic Bar. Mobee Magic Bar works with the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard (2xAA battery model) and the Apple Magic Trackpad. Plug the base station to any USB port in order to begin the recharge, with no external power supply needed.
Mobee's inductive charging method uses an electromagnetic field to wirelessly charge your devices. The Mobee Magic Bar is a charging station that sends energy through inductive coupling to the battery pack attached to your keyboard or Magic Trackpad, which stores energy without the need to plug your device into a conventional charger.
A Greener Way to Charge
The Magic Bar is a greener way to use your Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad. The Magic Bar is cost effective after one year of home usage, or six months of office usage. It's made of aluminum and is recyclable.
What's in the Box
Mobee Magic Bar with cylindrical battery pack (2AA length), aluminum base station, Micro-USB cable, user manual, and 1-year warranty.
Technical Specifications
Charger: Inductive
Battery Life: 10 days
Full Charge Time: 6 hours
Power Consumption on USB: 270 mA (max)
Battery Life: 500 Cycles
Cable Length: 41.34' (105 cm)
Dimensions: 11.8' x 1.77' x 0.98' (300 mm x 45 mm x 25 mm)
Weight: 6.63oz / 188 g
Replacement Battery Weight: 1.34oz / 38 g
Product Dimensions 12 x 1 x 2 inches
Item Weight 6.6 ounces
Shipping Weight 13.1 ounces
Item model number MO3212
Batteries 2 AA batteries required. (included)

[美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
[美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 推薦, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 討論, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 部落客, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 比較評比, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 使用評比, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 開箱文, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad?推薦, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 評測文, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad CP值, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 評鑑大隊, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 部落客推薦, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 好用嗎?, [美國直購] Mobee Technology MO3212 鍵盤 無線充電座 Magic Bar - Inductive Charger for Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and Magic Trackpad 去哪買?
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